Cribbers are back


Rye Crib league is back after missing last winter due to Covid -19. The league is to play on Tuesday evenings, with  two leagues (A and B) with six teams in each league.

The first matches will be played on Tuesday, November 9. The crib players are looking forward to having a sociable evening in friendly and welcoming local hostelry.

With four players in a team, they play they four singles games and two pairs in each match, each game consists of three legs making eighteen points to be scored in a match.

‘A’ league is made up with teams from the Rye Harbour Social Club, Bedford Arms (Rye), the Old King John (Ore), Rose and Crown A (Beckley), Waterworks (Rye) and Cinque Ports (Rye).

The ‘B’ league comprises of two teams from the Tenterden club, one team each from the White Dog (Ewhurst Green), Rose and Crown B (Beckley), This Ancient Boro (Tenterden) and Six Bells (Woodchurch).

The delayed start to the league was so more players could have their booster jabs and we hope Covid-19 will not spoil our enjoyment this season.

Our sister league in Romney Marsh played their first matches on Thursday evening with 11 teams competing just across the border in Kent.

Image Credits: Dennis Leeds George .

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  1. A cribber is also a horse which takes hold of the top of a stable door between its teeth and sucks air into its stomach….a bad vice!

  2. The Cribber is also known as the Widow Maker! A dangerous wave off Newquay, enjoyed by surfers, rather than a sedentary pursuit in a pub!


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