A crisis brings out the worst and best in humanity and at the moment, for the majority, it is heart-warmingly positive. Volunteers are forming mutual aid help groups for vulnerable and isolated people, and in Rye, leaflets with contact names for each section are being distributed – an appreciated gesture. And a thank you also to front line staff, carers, workers behind the scenes like dustmen, shop staff keeping us fed and thoughts for workers and families who lost their jobs or were self employed.
Initially my days seemed busy with phone calls to keep in touch with friends and family and Zoom conferences as a trustee of the Rye Art Gallery – deciding how best to survive financially and be fair to staff. If anyone is interested in buying this painting (in the window) please go to ryeartgallery@gmail.com
For families with children it must be hard to entertain them, have structure and look unconcerned as adults, as the next few weeks/months will be spent being thrown together 24/7.
As we are allowed some fresh air I used it to go to the allotment to dig and sow. Now day 7 or 14, depending when one starts counting, and with the weather getting colder I look ahead to filling lengthy days and hours, and a structure is needed. So Sunday was cleaning day and a walk where I came across a beautiful Magnolia tree, a feast to the eye.
Coming back home a lovely smell greets me from ten hyacinths, a birthday present. One difficulty is not to get sucked into evenings of TV stupor, but to be choosy. And I have my book ready that I have always wanted to read, but didn’t, because it had 800 pages and social life was distracting. Having been taught some beading I am determined to finish the bracelet I started. Children might like to do beading too, making things for their friends. Beads can be bought on line as well as the patterns.
Another promise I made myself is to translate the family history for my children which goes back to 1700 and which my brother wrote up – but in German. This is a good time to find out about one’s past and write it up. I am also encouraged on YouTube to exercise which is great.
What I miss a lot, and my ukulele buddies have said the same, is playing together every week – and also the Marsh Choir where fifty members sang their heart out and lovely Carly, our leader, got us singing harmonies within fifteen minutes.
Everyone can join at 2pm and 7pm each day at www.marshchoir.com. She pre-records songs and we can accompany her. (Elvis, Sting, Kinks and more). For music lovers there is also Gareth Malone who leads a virtual choir. If readers have any ideas to fill days, please contact Rye News.
Image Credits: Heidi Foster , Kitty Hope .