Dixter, dahlias and more!


Great Dixter, that magical house and gardens off the A28 at Northiam, is hosting its Plant Fair on Saturday October 3 and Sunday October 4. There will be specialist nurseries from across the UK and Europe, bringing rare and unusual plants from the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and France, as well as nearer to home.

Come and see the variety of plants and shrubs on display, waiting to enhance any garden –  even if not of the size and succession planting of Great Dixter  itself. The specialist nurserymen from, for example, Hardy’s Cottage Plants, Beth Chatto’s Nursery, or Dino Pellizzaro and his rare and exotic collection from the Antibes, will be giving short talks at their stalls, and a timetable of these is available at www.greatdixter.co.uk/what’s on. Food and drink for all tastes will be available, too.

The Plant Fair opens from 11am to 4pm. Entry £8 (payable on day) to include gardens and house. Entry is free for Friends, Annual Ticket Holders and children under 16 years.

(Source: Great Dixter House and Gardens , Northiam, Rye, TN31 6PH)

Photo: Gillian Roder

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