Get out your diaries and make this a date, don’t miss the Spring Fashion Show at Rye Town Hall on Thursday, March 26 at 7pm. This years show is in conjunction with Niche Fashion and is in aid of Rye, Winchelsea and District Memorial Hospital and Rye and District Community Transport.

Following last year’s success, Niche and The Friends at Rye Hospital have joined together to host another fashion show and Niche will be showcasing their latest spring collections helped by both Herald and Heart Milliners, who will be supplying all of the hats for the show and Rye Retreat will be attending to the models’ hair and make up.
If the success of last year’s show is anything to go by this popular, lively and very sociable event will be another repeat performance. Doors open at 6:30pm where you will be welcomed with a glass of bubbly within the ticket price of £10, the show starts at 7pm and tickets can be purchased direct from the hospital reception or from Niche in Cinque Ports Street.
This year, 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Rye and District Community Transport towards their fleet of buses which are used and valued by so many individuals and groups in our local community and 50% to the hospital.
This promises to be a night to remember, tickets are available on a first come first served basis and are sure to sell fast so be quick or you may miss out!
For further information contact
Image Credits: Stephanie Faulkner-Smith , Rye Hospital .