Members of the Kent Community Foundation (KCF) team and some of their children headed to Greatstone near New Romney last week to meet volunteers from Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh to help with an organised beach clean.
The event formed part of the national Great British Spring Clean campaign.
Natalie Smith, director of grants and impact at KCF, said: “As avid supporters of protecting the environment, the foundation awards grants to environmental projects throughout Kent from our Fund for the Environment.
“We are guided by the environmental ‘think global act local’ sentiment so the team agreed they we would personally like to do more, and arranged to volunteer in Greatstone. We wanted to help a small volunteer group that we had not previously worked with, and we really like what Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh is doing within their community.”
The team picked up nine bags of litter which included fishing line, bottle tops, drinks cans, paper and plastic.
Eric Brown, Litter Picking Watch Romney Watch, said: “We were very pleased to host a beach clean at the Varne, Greatstone with Kent Community Foundation. After refreshments and a health and safety briefing, the team set out on a very blustery morning. Everyone did brilliantly, collecting nine bags of washed-up sea debris from this stretch of coastline. Thank you to Kent Community Foundation for coming along and helping to make a vast difference to our beach. It was a great morning with a fantastic team.”
About the Great British Spring Clean
This year the annual Great British Spring Clean takes place between March 25 and April 10 and asks people to join the #BigBagChallenge and pledge to pick up as much litter as they can during the campaign.
About Litter Picking Watch Romney Marsh
The Litter Picking Community Action Group is for everyone who loathes litter and the damage it causes to the natural world. The group was set up to act against litter in their local area. Over time they have evolved and are now not just a litter picking community action group, but also note and report community issues across the Marsh to local councils, including overflowing and broken bins, damaged signs or street furniture, graffiti, potholes, blocked drains, fly-posting and fly-tipping.
About Kent Community Foundation
Grant-maker Kent Community Foundation has been finding, funding, and supporting some of the smallest voluntary organisations in the county for twenty years. In this time, it has distributed over £50 million to support thousands of small charities and deserving causes where a modest sum of money can make a significant impact.
Image Credits: KCF .