Help arrives at the door


Sitting at home Tuesday morning writing for Rye News, the post had already been delivered, but then I heard the clank of the letterbox once more. I was not expecting anything, but I had received a leaflet from Rye Mutual Aid (RYEMAG).

As reported last week, RYEMAG was set up by Jen Sinclair and Caroline Drummond who have organised a small army of volunteers in light of the current crisis to offer help and assistance to anyone in need, not just locally in Rye but in the wider community including Playden and Rye Foreign, Winchelsea and Winchelsea Beach, Rye Harbour, Beckley, Camber, East Guildeford, Icklesham, Udimore, Broad Oak/Brede and Pett.

These zones are covered by dedicated dispatch volunteers endorsed by REACT, Rother emergency planning, and Hastings and Rother Prevention community police. All volunteers will wear Rye Mutual Aid badges and will follow national guidelines for health and safety.

This a free, voluntary service provided by a dedicated group of volunteers who are there to help if you feel in need of support collecting shopping, medication, dog walking, posting mail, and even putting your bins out.

On the reverse of the leaflet are the contact details you need but, if you haven’t received a leaflet and you want their help, go onto their website or join their Facebook group at

Contact details for all the dispatch volunteers in your area.

Please pass this information on to those who you think may need help or support and thank you to all at RYEMAG for this initiative and for bringing our community closer together.

Image Credits: Rye Mutual Aid .

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