Rye Medical Centre Patients Participation Group has announced that it will be holding its annual general meeting on Wednesday, November 15.
As in past years the AGM will take place at 6:30pm at the Hub on Rye Hill, which is adjacent to the medical centre and their combined parking spaces means that there is adequate parking for all those attending.
A spokesperson explained to Rye News that a patient participation group (PPG) ideally consists of a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience in order to help improve the service. The establishment of such groups has been a contractual requirement of NHS England for some years, and they aim to be as representative of the practice, its staff, and the wider community as possible.
Several of the current committee are standing for re-election and there is also the opportunity for new members from the registered patients list to stand for election.
The PPG are seeking nominees from across the GP practice list with as wide a spectrum of age, gender, experience, ethnicity and mobility as possible and nominations should be submitted in writing to the practice at Rye Medical Centre, Kiln Drive, Rye Foreign, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7SQ
Also taking place at the Hub is a joint event between Rye Medical Centre and Rye’s Ferry Road Health Centre entitled “Health Habit on a Budget” which is a free talk by leading diabetes and energy specialist Alice Yeates, at 6:30pm on Monday, October 16.
Doors will open at 6pm with refreshments including a glass of wine provided. All are welcome.
Image Credits: Nick Forman .