Helping them up at school


Rye Primary’s Head of school writes : “I love a good quote and I am one of those people who can’t resist a good quote on a bit of wood in a gift shop. I am not a shopaholic by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like a wooden quote for my hallway, or garden even.

I was chatting about favourite quotes when I was taking part in a virtual meet up with some of my friends and family. It’s funny how a year ago we would never have done this virtually and instead it might have been a dinner or a walk in the park conversation. I said that one of my favourite quotes (I have so many it is always hard to choose) is “never look down on someone unless you are helping them up”.

I thought this was a great quote, but then my daughter joined in the conversation and said- “It would be even better for the person who needed help if you were sitting down with them and you helped them up from where they were.” Wow! What a life lesson right there! What a great perspective, literally and philosophically.

Can we leave our comfort zones ? 

Are we prepared to meet people where they are and help them from where they are? Are we really prepared to walk through the hard stuff with people? Are we prepared to leave our comfort zone to help? Are we really genuine in our offers to help people or do we think we have done our bit just by offering a hand?

Sometimes people only know we really care when we are not afraid to sit beside them and listen through those really hard conversations or when restrictions allow, sit with them through that tough meeting and be their song when they have forgotten how to sing. I agree with my daughter that we should maybe change the perspective even further and not be content to look down and help raise someone up, but to sit beside them and help them rise again. Food for thought.

I can’t end without sharing such a sweet gesture we had recently at school. I had written to parents thanking them for their generosity and support throughout lockdown and happened to mention that my favourite ever quote, this one really is my favourite ever quote is “in a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind”.

One of our parents had some cakes made with that very quote on for all of the staff! Such kindness! Thank you again. Words have power and meaning- fill your mind with positive ones!

Pugwash Nursery

Well done Pugwash children and parents for completing a whole term of home learning. You have done so well, and it has been lovely to see all of your photos. It’s great that we have had some winter weather for you to explore to go with our winter learning.


Minnows and Sardines Reception

Minnows and Sardines continue to make a brilliant effort to their remote and blended learning this term. We have loved extending our explorers, inventors and experimenters topic by looking at robots, rockets and outer space!  The children have used their imaginations to take them off on magical rocket adventures, experimented with ‘straw rockets’, became inventors making their very own ‘helper robots’ and explored light and dark with amazing shadow drawing as well as much, much more! Phew – we have been busy!

The Minnows and Sardines have celebrated National Story Week this week (1st February) by listening to stories read by real-life astronauts in outer space!! We have also looked at poetry this term and have been working on our list making and instruction writing skills.

Years 1 and 2

I am extremely proud of the Clownfish children. The learning they have been producing both at home and in school has been amazing. They especially enjoyed their Design Technology Day when they made some fabulous model Tudor houses.

Clownfish Year 1 & 2


Years 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 have been learning so much about the Romans in Britain and modern-day Italy this past month, it was hard to choose which pieces of work to showcase.

We have received some amazing holiday brochures, chariot designs and miniature versions built by the children. Pieces of writing in English that made our hearts sing with joy and outstanding thinking in maths, applying all the knowledge about length, perimeter and area learned this term.

We would like to share with you all, the advice one of our year 4 pupils gave some fictional magical creatures in a newspaper report she wrote. We think it is perfect advice for our current real-life situation.

“Do not throw away hope, as hope pulls us up.”

Years 3 & 4

Years 5 and 6

This term years 5 and 6 have been very busy learning about the polar explorer Ernest Shackleton, Antarctica and the polar regions. In particular, we have learnt about the emperor penguins and how they have adapted to the icy conditions. The artwork has been beautiful and children have practised and demonstrated their IT skills when presenting their work. Well done everyone!

Image Credits: Rye Primary School .

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  1. What a lovely article and love the quotes too! Looks as if the children are really embracing their creativity which is so nice to see! Well done children, teachers and of course parents too!


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