Historian packs Waterworks


Question: how many people can you seat in a former public toilet? Answer, at least 33, for this was the number of guests who arrived on Wednesday, February 12 to see local historian Noel Varley give a presentation on the history of Rye Waterworks.

Landlords David and Ulla Roder had organised the event which started at 1pm and before you knew it, the place was comfortably full. Thankfully most had booked and there was room for everyone, mostly seated and a few standing. You have all heard the expression, “this place has a Tardis like interior” well the Waterworks certainly lives up to this but as the presentation started before the micropub officially opened at 2pm it was cosy inside but nevertheless, very comfortable.

A full house but plenty of space for everyone to enjoy in comfort.

Noel gave a very well researched and often humorous presentation which went down very well with all those eager participants who were handed copies of old maps and photographs as the talk progressed, a really fascinating insight into how the town’s water got here, where it ended up and how and where the sewage was dispensed with. Who would have thought that such a topic would have the audience transfixed but it really did.

Copies of an ancient town map were handed out during the presentation

David and Ulla had prepared a large selection of freshly made sandwiches plus nibbles and typically, instead of charging everyone the agreed entry fee of £3.00 they generously asked all those present to make a donation to Rye & District Community Transport instead.

The talk finished just before 2pm, just in time to open the doors for the next visitors to the Waterworks. A good time was had by all, thanks to Noel for giving so generously of his time and experience and thanks too, to such convivial landlords for hosting the presentation.

Landlord David Roder about to serve up freshly made sandwiches and nibbles.

Its not surprising that in a recent article entitled ‘How to do a weekend in idyllic Rye ,East Sussex  in The Londonist the Waterworks is quoted as being ” by far and away, Rye’s best pub”. Many other businesses were also named in the article which is great news for the town, take a look at what has been written, it’s well deserved praise and free publicity for all who got a mention.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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