Join the Elysian celebration


There will be an open day at the Elysian Centre on Cinque Ports Street on Sunday May 29 to celebrate the centre’s completion. This will allow visitors to talk to the therapists, including Lindsay Taylor who offers natural facelift massages, and find out about the Pilates, yoga and other exercise classes available in the centre’s studio.

Fairlight based photographer Desi Fontaine will be exhibiting some of her work and there will be a display of ceramics by homeopath Colin Griffith, whose practice is based at the centre. Music will be provided by Felix Harrison, the son of the centre’s owner Maxine. And sound therapist Sarah Stephenson will be leading a classically based musical session. And if the thought of all this makes you thirsty, there will be locally-produced apple juice available during the afternoon.

The open day is from 12 noon to 4pm at the Elysian Centre, 18 Cinque Ports Street, Rye, TN31 7AD and all are welcome.

Photo: Tony McLaughlin

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