Keeping warmth in


When the dark has settled in, have a look out of your windows (after pulling the curtains back) and check how many neighbours have not closed their curtains – but may probably be complaining about their current energy bills.

Over the years I spent millions of the government’s money (your money) trying as a senior civil servant in Whitehall in the 90s and 2000s to persuade everybody to save energy – and few did. But I have found a way in the past week.

After ten years my boiler has given up on me, and I am waiting for a replacement and that means a local leaflet given to me this week struck home.

It was from Citizens Advice 1066 and it pointed out that cold homes can kill, and we do need to keep warm and well. And in my case I have had asthma from birth, and last year I was being treated in hospital for cancer and heart problems, so… I really do need to keep warm and well.

Follow the advice

Another useful source of advice is and more can be found on government websites for information on help with energy costs- just go to And some of the advice is obvious, but ignored. TV and films are not real life. Most people wear more clothes indoors and so you should not expect to be warm if you are not wearing warm clothing.

Secondly, keep heat where it is needed with draught excluders under the doors as that’s where heat leaks out into halls and landings and staircases. And finally, pull those curtains at night when the temperature outside drops. Cold can kill, particularly if your breathing is bad, and it can increase the risk of a heart attack.

Image Credits: John Minter .

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