Keys, straps, batteries and more


Last week our regular weekly market was in full swing, the only gap seemed to be the lack of fruit and veg, but the coaches were in, visitors and shoppers were back and with the dry weather the stall holders were enjoying much awaited custom

There are only three more markets left before Christmas so time is running out if you want those last minute bargains or a few little extras for the big day. Good news, there is now a brand new stall at the market every week, a mobile key cutting service, situated just opposite the mobile café.

I usually get my keys cut in town at Rye Shoe Repairs and 24-hour locksmith and have done for years, as they provide a really good service but as I was in the market last Thursday I thought I would try out our new recruit and had some keys cut, all of which worked when I tried them later that day and were done for me on-the-spot while I waited.

It’s not just key cutting available each week but also entrance and alarm fobs, watch batteries and straps, pet collar disk engraving and a sharpening service for knives, scissors etc. If you need locks or padlocks there is also plenty of choice to suit all budgets and requirements.

With our continued support, our regular weekly market will survive and prosper. These traders brave all weathers to bring us such a wide variety of goods and services and with it, much needed additional income to the town, from visitors arriving each week from all over the country.

It’s great to see the market getting back to something resembling normal and growing bigger, and if you fancy adding to it, why not take a stall yourself by calling or texting 07756 169178 to make arrangements.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. This reads like an advert for the new stall. I’m sure Rye Shoe Repairs are delighted. Personally, I’ll continue to support the shop in our town that provides all these services.

  2. I totally agree with the two comments above. Our local traders should be promoted before a market trader travelling to get here. The saying goes Use it or Lose it.
    The more we can support our local independent traders, the longer they will survive.

  3. Nick Forman did say he always used the Rye shoe repairs and 24 hour locksmith. He as a rye news journalist was writing an article on Rye Market that has been part of the Rye economy for years. Attracts tourists that use other shops in Rye for their day out. And the Rye market is used by many of the residents of Rye who also use the shops in Town..May be more than some residence who only shop on line with out of town shops..
    And competition is good so they say for business and customers alike.
    Those who wish to help the other businesses in Rye may wish to help the Rye hire to keep their premises in Rye so they can continue to trade by writing to those in democratic power as suggested by the Town council’s flyer in this month’s Fixtures delivered to us all in this area


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