Like Chelsea, we’re cancelled


It is with much regret that we have decide to cancel this year’s Rye Flower and Veg Show which was due to take place at the Community Centre on Saturday, August 22. Along with many other events, that have sadly had to be cancelled due to coronavirus, the Rye Flower and Veg Show is another casualty. But we are not disheartened – 2021 is another year!

Next year’s show is already booked for Saturday, August 28 2021.

We know many of you will be busy growing the most amazing crops and practicing some fabulous baking – we all have a little more time on our hands these days.

We have not been wasting our time either and are in the process of developing a new website that should be live in the next couple of weeks. You will be able to keep up with our plans and admire some of last years entries and this year’s seasonal photographs.

We have been in receipt of a grant from the Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm Fund, to help us continue into next year, for which we are most grateful.

We are also very much hoping to run a mini competition using our website for photographs of your best fruit and veg, baking and handicrafts. More details of this will be available in the next couple of weeks so make sure you take lots of shots of your proudest accomplishments.

There is more information on our pages on Instagram and Facebook. Meanwhile organisers Lorna Hall and Helena Hudd, wish you all happy gardening, brilliant baking and please keep safe.

Image Credits: Lorna Hall .

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