Make a difference by volunteering


Rye Harbour Nature Reserve have two important volunteer roles to fill. It is a wonderful place to work and not only are the jobs rewarding but the added bonus is that you will join a dedicated and caring team of like-minded people.

Sussex Emerald

Moth trap volunteers required

We are currently looking for volunteers to support the monitoring of moths at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve.

The role involves opening the moth trap (located near the discovery centre) before 10am in the morning, and identifying, recording and releasing the moths. The activity will take no more than an hour and volunteers will be on a rota depending on their availability. This is a flexible role and we would love to hear from you if you are interested in helping, whether you can give a day a month or a day a week. No experience necessary as full training will be given.

Please email any expressions of interest to


Bird survey volunteers required

We are currently recruiting volunteers for new roles at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. There are a number of opportunities to undertake surveys of breeding birds at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. Some roles require the volunteers to have experience of identifying UK breeding birds and for other roles full training will be provided.

If you would like to register your interest in either of these roles, please email

Elephant hawk moth
Avocet Rye Harbour Nature Reserve © Barry Yates

Image Credits: Barry Yates .

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