Mixed messages?


You can’t help but notice the large yellow illuminated sign on the pavement opposite Jempson’s car park in Rye. However, if you were travelling from Ferry Road towards the Udimore Road you may not see the flashing messages, given the angle of the sign.

I contacted Rye Town Council who shared the same opinion that the sign may have been put there in readiness for the impending road closures covered by Rye News in last week’s edition  but Rye News is trying to get more information.  For anyone who hasn’t seen them, the messages on the loop are quite clear and have been met with a mixed reaction. They are currently displaying:

  1. Don’t drop cigarette butts
  2. Fixed penalty notices 100-150 served
  3. Please take your litter home
  4. Please help keep Rye clean
  5. Clean up after your dog
Please take your litter home

What do you think? There seems to be two opposing viewpoints so far: are they just what we need and give a powerful warning or are they a bit over the top and might adversely effect how visitors perceive Rye to be?

Over to you.

Fixed penalty notices, 100-150 served

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Is there any point of pointing out that dropping litter or cigarette butts is antisocial behaviour for people who are antisocial and really don’t care? That’s why they’re antisocial.

    I don’t think the sign will make the slightest bit of difference. It’s how our society is now, probably 80% of people do the right thing and either take their litter home or put it in a bin, the other 20% don’t.

    • I totally agree; those who use common sense and have consideration for their surroundings don’t need to be reminded to do so. But as I keep grumbling “We became a nation of people who had to be told to wash our hands during the pandemic!”.

  2. The one thing it might be pertinent to say, positioned as it is, is, “Turn off your engine whilst waiting at the level crossing.”

  3. To be honest I think it’s extremely rude and unwelcoming.
    Maybe if it said “Welcome to Rye, please help us to keep our town clean & tidy and park with consideration to others” I might not be so cross about such an eye sore.
    Who’s idea was this?

  4. Anti-social people are not going to pay any attention to this hideous signage. And as for the announcement Clean Up After Your Dog: the majority of dog owners are responsible. And we used the Dog Waste Bin in the far corner of Rye Cricket Club. However, there no longer is a bin because vandals decided to smash it to pieces so that all the dog poop bags ended up strewn across the floor. Will it be replaced? Unlikely.

  5. The problem is it is in the wrong position,to ask motorists to turn off their ignition,whilst waiting at the level crossing, as for the litter and dog fouling in the town, this sign will make not an iota of difference, we need a permanent road sweeper in Rye, to deal with this antisocial problem.

  6. It is surprising the sign appears without the knowledge of the Town Council, though who asks for permission these days? Presumably the guess mentioned is correct and it is in preparation for a different purpose but it’s still on it’s previous loop of messages as seems to be attached to a functioning solar panel. When we are stuck in a traffic jam because the road is closed, we’ll wish it was just about fag butts.
    It reminds me of working somewhere with someone who displayed control issues, constantly putting up (and drawing our attention to) signs saying ‘leave this sink clean’. ‘wash up your own cup’, ‘replace the milk when empty’.
    Part of me hopes that is what this sign will end up saying. That will make no difference, either, but it would make me smile.

  7. Sadly its becoming too frequent district and county councils,over-riding our own town council,one has to ask who is pulling these strings, and why are the town council allowing them to get away with it.

    • I think you already know this John, Rye Town Council has little or no authority to control what happens with much of our infrastructure. Perhaps now we have some fresh blood representing us at Rother we might achieve more there but ultimately change at ESCC and National Highways is more likely to be effective. As for the sign, a complete and unsightly waste of resources

  8. I suspect the sign is linked to the fines being handed out for dropping cigarette butts etc, the manner of which have been the subject of a fair few complaints on these pages and at the last town meeting. I’m very happy to ask questions at Rother DC about the sign and update residents.

  9. It’s odd that a sign in that particular position can attract so much criticism but there have been vape adverts on the same site without any comment.
    If you want to know why people need to be reminded about picking up their litter have a walk along the strand at around five in the evening and see the mess.
    Granted the gulls don’t help but then there are bins without lids which don’t help.
    So do the fast food outlets contribute towards the cleaning up?

  10. The pavement in question opposite the old night club,has not only been an eyesore for years, but the damage done by vehicles and clutter is gradually getting worse,what authority is in charge of stopping this abuse of a public pavement.

  11. If you read any research on messaging you know that negative messages like this do not work. Gilly Harding has the right idea about messages: make them positive –

  12. How about the wooden eyesore structure at Simply Italian which was, it seems, erected without planning permission and they have been told to remove it but so far nothing has been done. Are they hoping that if it stays up long enough it will be allowed to stay there? I really hope not, as at the moment, not only is it hideous to look at but people have to walk in the road in order to circumnavigate it. Come on local authority…..do something otherwise goodness knows what will appear in this town in the future.


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