Murder in the churchyard


The town of Rye was buzzing on Friday March 17, Ryebellion drummers enticing people to follow them as they drummed up East Street to the Buttermarket where they were greeted by the mayor, Andi Rivett, and the town crier, Paul Goring.

Friday was the two-hundred-and-eightieth anniversary of the dastardly murder of Allen Grebell, deputy mayor of Rye. As Grebell walked home through the churchyard John Breads attacked him with a knife. But he had got the wrong man and the town was in uproar at the injustice of such an evil act. He had thought that Allen was James Lamb, the then Mayor. When it came to his trial, John Breads found himself facing James Lamb as his judge: the verdict would not be impartial.

After the drummers drummed, the town crier, Paul Goring gave his cry to over a hundred people who gathered to watch. “Oyez, Oyez, Oyez…” (to hear it all watch the video below). Then solemnly the drummers played the mayor and the town crier up to St Mary’s to be greeted by Rev’d Christopher Breeds who said prayers at the tombstone of Allen Grebell where a wreath was laid by Andi Rivett. A special thank you to Café des Fleurs who supported the event, not only by making the wreath but also contributing to its cost.

The Mayor Andi Rivett solemnly laying the wreath

Another treat was in store later in the afternoon with Isabel Ryan, daughter of John Ryan, the creator of Pugwash, who read his book about the murder to a captivated audience. In fact she read it twice to two audiences.

At three o’clock Paul Goring met a group who had signed up for his walk, Footsteps of a Murderer, during which lots of true and gruesome details were divulged. Paul’s walks are wonderful, entertaining, full of interesting facts and all delivered with his
wry good humour.

It was indeed a fitting tribute to mark the anniversary of unfortunate Allen Grebell’s death.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Isabel Ryan .

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  1. Thank you for this great write-up! Many thanks also, to all those who took part, contributed, or facilitated: The Right worshipful Mayor, Cllr Andi Rivett; Rev Christopher Breeds; Isabel Ryan; Ryebellion Drummers; Cafe des Fleurs for the wreath; Rye Town Council; Kt Bruce & Rye News; to Seana for allowing the guided walk into her home; and to St Mary’s Church for permitting the events within the Church.


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