New York writer reports on Rye


Travel writer Lucas Peterson who writes the New York Times’ “Frugal Traveler” (sic) column completed a three-stop tour of the south-east and was mightily impressed by Rye.

Driving from Eastbourne to Dover, Peterson stopped for the night in Mermaid Street and “was quickly in the England of my dreams: tiny houses crumbling under the weight of their own history; tile roofs and cobblestone streets; lanterns hanging off ivy-covered walls.” At Webbes Fish Café Peterson enjoyed “garlicky pan-fried gurnard fillet for £13” and had some ‘“sweet, nutty baclava” at Cafè Zara. Noting that “finding good food was never a problem” Peterson states that the Standard Inn “a small hotel and pub established in the 1400s, for example, serves a mean pot of buttery, smoked local mackerel (£5.95).”

As well as fine dining Peterson enjoyed visiting St Mary’s church, including the views from the bell tower, and delighted in the range and quantity of antiques to peruse. All in all a very satisfied visitor. To read the article in full click here

Photo: Rye News library

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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