No through road


Travellers were turned back at two points last week on the outskirts of Rye.

On Friday morning, Derek Bayntun and his partner set off to walk from Gibbets
Marsh along the Sustrans cycle track and pathway under Cadborough Cliff to get to the bottom of Dumb Woman’s Lane.

Encountering a landslip of sticky yellow clay soil, they decided it would be too messy to clamber over, so they turned back. However a couple of minutes later a couple came by on their mountain bikes and managed to get over it and continue towards Rye, but with the comment: “Terrible isn’t it.”

On Saturday afternoon, returning from a local garden centre, my wife and I were approaching Rye along the Military Road from Appledore, only to find that a tree had fallen across the road shortly before the tennis courts.

There was no prior warning except for the headlights flashed by oncoming motorists who had retraced their passage before us. Out of curiosity (and as a Rye News reporter) we pressed on to the site of the obstruction.

After a three point turn we made our way back to the junction with Houghton Green Lane. There, uselessly facing the wrong way, was a badly positioned sign warning of “Road Closed Ahead”. We took the narrow scenic route phlegmatically up Houghton Green Lane and so home to tea.

Image Credits: Derek Bayntun .

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