Plant sale for Royal Marsden


Last Saturday, May 13 saw the annual fund raising plant sale and within the first half hour of opening, around 50 people had already come to the Buttermarket beneath Rye Town Hall to buy plants for their gardens and it continued to be busy throughout the morning.

Davida commented “This is the third year I have run a fundraising event for the Royal Marsden’s cancer trials, which save countless lives. I had great support on Saturday and I would like to thank the mayor, Andi Rivett, and Jessica Neame for their support at the town hall. I’d also like to thank Enid and Arne Ahlstrom for their continuing help and involvement with this event.

Beautiful plants sold to raise funds

“Thank you to all those who donated plants for the sale , including Great Dixter nurseries who again gave me plants this year. Thank you to my friends who help me so much on the day with selling plants – it is always a busy day. Nick Moon at ArtWrite printed all the posters for me without charge and many thanks to him for his support. And finally thank you to everyone who came to the event on Saturday and made it a success.

“My target was to raise £2,000 again for the Marsden and with some more donations since Saturday I have achieved that.”

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird , Davida Turpin .

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