Riotous end to Pontins season


Pontins holiday camp at Camber Sands ended its 2016 season with the perennial favourite “Rhythm Riot” weekend which saw a grand parade of classic cars motoring around Rye on Sunday afternoon, November 13.

Whether it’s considered an inexpensive holiday park or a blot on the coastal landscape, Pontins attracts a huge number of visitors that flock to the shops, pubs and restaurants in the town. And its not only during the summer and school holidays when visitors arrive, as many are attracted by speciality events that include:

• the ever popular 1950s-based Rockabilly Rave
• energetic Ceroc and Tabanca dance weekends
• rugby and football tournaments
• the annual junior chess championship
• “Fitness Fiesta” weekends
• Soulcrash, 1980s, 1990s and Bluecoats themed party weekends
• religious conferences, for example the 7th Day Adventists
• Rhythm Riot

Pontins will be open for New Year’s eve celebrations. The 2017 season will start with half-term on February 10, 2017. For further details of events and day passes visit

Photo: Tony McLaughlin

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