RNLI Rye Harbour Christmas fair


On Saturday, November 26 there were six Christmas Fairs to visit in the Rye area which meant that the footfall at the RNLI Christmas event was not as heavy as in the past. However, the fair raised £911.04 and this goes a long way in helping our lifeboat station to help save lives at sea

We would like to say a big thank you to the local businesses which donated some super prizes for the raffle. The cake stall is always an important fundraiser at the fair because we have some amazing bakers in the Harbour including Claire Robus-Bolton and her team of helpers. Our fundraising team and lifeboat crew supported the event by manning stalls, serving food, creating amazing homemade soup, and selling raffle tickets. The café, which served hot food and drinks all day, was manned superbly by Vicky Thompson.

There were two surprise visitors – Stormy Stan and Father Christmas and this pleased the younger generation. Our youngest supporter was Georgia (only a few weeks old) with her mum and her siblings. It was a happy day and everyone worked really hard: the results were terrific. Thank you to all those who came and supported and those who worked so hard.

Paul Bolton, LOM at RNLI Rye Harbour commented after the event: “Thanks to all who attended and supported this fundraising event which was organised by Mark Stephenson and his team. Without the support that we receive the Station would not be able to continue help to save lives at sea.”

Image Credits: Lucy Green , Kt bruce , Claire Robus , Lucy Green , Claire Robus .

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