Rye as she once was


Rye Royale in the Nineteen Twenties is the title of the most recent Rye Museum publication and of a new exhibit which weekend visitors to East Street will be able to see when the site reopens on April 1 for another season. Jo Kirkham, historian, former mayor and chairman of the Rye Museum Association, has provided the book in honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday. It looks at Rye as it was in the decade of the Queen’s birth: the people and events, the industries and entertainments, the shops, schools, hospitals, courts and theatres. The book (price £5) is already available in town and at the Ypres Castle site (which is open every day throughout the year.)

Of course the full story of Rye’s many connections with royalty covers many centuries. Those lucky enough to attend Jo Kirkham’s  recent talk at East Street were treated to a complete summary of Rye’s history from prehistoric times to the present via the town’s multiple and influential visits and actions by royalty. Typically, Jo was able to make her extensive research and formidable knowledge on the subject accessible in an illustrated presentation spiced with humour. You can find out more about this, coming events, other publications, other aspects of Rye’s history – and much more — by visiting the Museum’s website

Next week’s talk on Thursday March 9 at 7:30pm is “Playden Barracks: The mystery unfolds” by Peter Challons.

Photo: Rye Museum

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