Rye Boys Club open fun day

Snooker table and bouncy castle
Snooker table and bouncy castle

The Rye Boys Club in Mermaid Street has been open as a Youth Club for about a year and on May 31, James Brill, who started the project, organised an open fun day with his volunteers. It was great to see so many children, 10 years old and upwards and parents with younger boys and girls taking part. There was a bouncy castle in one room which was well used and monitored, as well as a snooker table. The Mayor, Jonathan Breeds, was in attendance and told me he was surprised to still see the snooker table because he used to play on it more than 30 years ago, obviously excellent craftsmanship.

In the other room children were waiting to begin a Nerf War game. There were several big blown up plastic sacks lying around behind which the children hid with plastic blasters in their hand. The idea was to hit each other, three hits and person is out. It is easier to play than to describe it. The youth leading this game suggested I leave the room before they started.

Yvonne Cotterell - left Frances Tolhurst - right
Yvonne Cotterell (left) and Frances Tolhurst

Upstairs, which had been refurbished by James and helpers as an office, was today a fun room with several children playing games on TV screens. The kitchen staffed by teenagers produced a delicious curry. The oldest participant was Frances Tolhurst who has been chair of the Boys Club for about 20 years. She proudly showed me and Yvonne Cotterell, secretary/treasurer of the youth club, the medal she received from the Queen for services rendered. She explained that this summer would be her last as she had done the job long enough. It was lovely to see children, youths and adults of every age mingle throughout the building.

Well done James, Yvonne and all the helpers who made this day possible. I do hope that many of these children will return and parents will encourage them.

Photos: Heidi Foster

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