Rye Sea Cadets need you!

It is easy to take things for granted. Too easy. Some things in life always seem to have ‘been there’ and so we assume that they always will be. Rye Sea Cadets has been an integral part of life in Rye for over 70 years and, uniquely, have had commanding officers from three generations of the same family.

Over that 70 years, many hundreds of youngsters from the Rye area have been helped to grow into amazing young men and women, because of the experiences they have had through sea cadets. As you would expect there is lots of boating, both locally and with the opportunity to sail offshore on ships like TS Royalist. They earn lots of important life-skills such as team working, respect, leadership and adaptability and they can also gain nationally recognised qualifications. If you want to look in more detail at all the good they do for teenagers then have a look at: https://www.sea-cadets.org

In addition, here in Rye, the sea cadets are part of our civic life and will often be seen in the parades through our town and in providing ‘mayor’s cadets’ to accompany the mayor on important occasions. This is great both for the cadets and is part of the history and life of this Cinque Ports town.

However, what you may not know about sea cadets, is that each local unit operates as its own small charity and must constantly raise enough funds to stay ‘afloat’. Some of our income is from the subs paid by the cadets but that is never enough to pay our real running costs. At present the unit costs approximately £4,000 per annum more to run than the income we receive. As you will appreciate this is not sustainable indefinitely and I hope you will agree that it would be a tragedy both for our youngsters and for Rye if the unit ever had to close.

In the grand scheme of things £4,000 is not huge and we hope that if the people of Rye can be motivated to help then we can secure the future of the unit for generations to come.

There are lots of ways you can become involved and help:

  • If you have youngsters aged between 10 and 18 would they like to join the unit?
  • Would you like to volunteer as an adult instructor? There is lots of training and camaraderie on offer!
  • Could you make either a one-off or a regular donation to Rye Sea Cadets? Literally every pound helps and is appreciated.
  • Could you volunteer as a fundraiser? This would involve joining the management team of the unit and helping us create and run fundraising events.
  • Finally, we would love to raise our profile by recruiting a well-connected patron who would support Rye Sea Cadets and introduce us to others willing to keep this important youth charity going into the future.

If you are interested in joining Rye Sea Cadets then please have a look at our website: https://www.sea-cadets.org/rye or make contact with our commanding officer PO Phil Whiteman on coryescc@gmail.com.

If you are able to make a one-off or regular donation please contact our treasurer, Mr Paul Whiteman, via ryeseacadets@gmail.com.

If you would like to speak about being either a volunteer fundraiser or becoming our patron then please contact the chair of our unit management team, Mr James Sheppard via ryeseacadets@gmail.com.

It would be wonderful to welcome you aboard TS Rye!

Breaking news
PO Phil Whiteman, commanding officer for TS Rye has reported that their minibus has been stolen. If anyone sees the minibus shown in the photos below, please contact Sussex Police or ryeseacadets@gmail.com. This is a vital part of their equipment that has been taken from them.

Stolen sea cadets’ Transit
Stolen sea cadets’ Transit

Image Credits: Kt Bruce , Phil Whiteman .

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  1. They say that charity begins at home, well here’s your chance to prove it, a fantastic local charity based organisation for the young of Rye needs your help.
    You won’t even have to dig that deep, for the price of an average restaurant meal you can make a difference.

  2. I’m sure there’s many people in the town who were Sea Cadets and enjoyed the benefits of being part of a great organisation.

    I don’t think digging deep for a one off donations is sufficient but a long term funding strategy with volunteers which Rye is sadly lacking.

    Perhaps ex Sea Cadets might be interested in helping out?

  3. What a perfect opportunity for the folk behind Martello Developments Ltd., with their publicly declared vision of ‘investing in the historic Cinque Port town of Rye’, to make excellent use of some funds from their charitable family foundation to help out the Rye Sea Cadets!
    [Details of the Kowitz Family Foundation (UK) Ltd. may be found on the Charity Commission website].

    The Sea Cadets may lack somewhat the glamour and prestige that the supporters of ‘The Arts’ etc.in Rye seek to inspire through various Martello ventures, there is much inspiration and aspiration in the Sea Cadet enterprise in general. A new van to get them back on the road would certainly help fuel this, and more, for these dedicated youngsters.

    While there is clearly no financial return on such an investment, in terms of moral reward, goodwill, and community gratitude, this would surely be a sound and forward-looking gesture.

    But maybe they already have helped out – of the £40,000 needed to replace the van, as of today £760 has been raised on the Just Giving site!


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