Seize the day with Samm


Samm Short’s morning yoga sessions, which are for those of intermediate standard, use vinyasa (flow) yoga combined with meditation to “open the hips and heart”. The sessions run from 6:30am to 8am, cost £10 and provide an excellent means by which to relieve tension and prepare for the day ahead. In Samm’s words these sessions will “build warmth in the body, saluting the fiery sun that lives within us, guiding and empowering our destiny”. The sessions conclude with a “guided loving kindness meditation”.

Other classes being held by Samm at the Elysian centre include:

  • Yin yoga and fire cleaning ceremony. This is a two hour yin yoga class for intermediates with postures held for up to seven minutes, followed by a four part puja, or fire cleansing ceremony. This class takes place on Saturday September 24 between 5pm and 8pm and costs £30.
  • Yoga and poetry morning. This comprises a 90 minute yoga class followed by a creative writing workshop and will be held on Sunday September 25 from 9:30am to 1pm at a cost of £30.
  • Creative writing for wellbeing – an artistic recovery. This session works with “the consciousness ABC – affirmations, blurts and corrections” to free the artist within and takes place on Saturday October 1 from 11:30am to 5:30pm at a cost of £50.

In addition to the Elysian events, Samm is also hosting the following:

  • a “writing and wine” day on Wednesday July 20 at Chapel Down from 10:30am to 5pm at a cost of £99.
  • a creative retreat October 7-9 comprising yoga, meditation and writing, mixed with wild pond swimming and time to swing in treetop hammocks or meditate in a stone walk spiral. The workshop will be held in Beckley and costs £320.

Rye News will be providing more details of the creative retreat closer to the event but in the meantime, if you want more information on Samm’s workshops and classes you can visit her website here or contact her at or on 07436 158008. For details of other classes and workshops at the Elysian centre visit the centre’s website.


Photo: Tony McLaughlin

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