Splash of purple to fight polio


Spring each year sees a beautiful purple carpet of crocus blooming in many communities across Great Britain and Ireland thanks to the purple crocus corm planting, which raises awareness of the Rotary Clubs’ fight for a polio-free world. Rye and Winchelsea Rotary have planted purple crocuses at a number of locations in and around the two towns.

It is a great way of getting active, having fun and talking to lots of different people about the need to eradicate the life-threatening and disabling polio virus.

Polio is a serious viral infection that used to be common in the UK and worldwide. Most people with polio have no symptoms and will not know they are infected. But for up to one in 100 people, the polio virus causes temporary or permanent paralysis, which can be life-threatening. There’s no cure for polio, so it’s important to make sure that you and your children are fully vaccinated against it. The use of vaccination against this dangerous disease has made the condition rare.

Please, help us in this good work, by continuing to support our collections during the year.

Image Credits: Rotary UK .

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