Still on the line

It is good news that Rye has not allowed some of its telephone kiosks to be consigned to oblivion.

The Winchelsea Conservation society has pushed BT to maintain a working phone box in the village with help from a very supportive resident who lives next door to the phone box.

The BT public phone box in Winchelsea

It is worth remembering that the mayor of Winchelsea 30 or more years ago, put a stop to BT’s ideas of removing the phone box.

We hope that with an upgrade of the internal workings of the phone, a new light, and new paint, the kiosk will continue to offer a service to the community here for another 30 years.

A BT painter puts the finishing touches to the phone box

Image Credits: John Spencer .

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  1. If any Parishes are concerned their red telephone boxes may be removed, the advice is to get them Grade 2 listed with English Heritage! See my reply last week when I mentioned Iden had done this sometime ago when threatened by BT.

    They are all precious heirlooms


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