Stopping unwanted “guests”


Travellers came and went from Rye’s  Valley Park estate earlier this month – and were banned from re-entry for three months – but this does not mean they will not come back at some point.

However, to get where they did (by the children’s playground) they had to cross a stream which drains the area and a bridge can be seen in the picture above.

So they drove along the near bank of the stream (just beyond the police car) to a wide path further along where the stream is channelled through a pipe. That route is now blocked by bollards too close together for a car or caravan to get through.

But more defences will probably be needed and in different parts (and countries) very large boulders, raised banks, deep ditches, large tree trunks and more post and rail fences have been used.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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