Strand Quay Phase 2


Rye News receives many enquiries asking what’s happening at Strand Quay, why is the site fencing still in place and when will the works be finished?

Below is a copy of a leaflet which is being distributed by the Environment Agency which is self-explanatory but if you want to raise any concerns with them directly their contact details are at the foot of the leaflet.

Strand Quay leaflet

Image Credits: John Minter , Environment Agency .

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  1. What a waste of money providing facilities for perhaps a handful of visiting boats when all the boat owners on the non-tidal Rother have been denied access to the Scots Float slipway and now have to use the lock only at published times after giving several days notice due to reduced staffing.

  2. Why did all the work have to stop for the winter? Had they kept going when they completed the western bank it would have been near completion now.
    As for attracting more visitors in boats, it’s going to take more than a few pontoons to attract visitors to a river that is so full of mud that a deep keeled yacht can only navigate for a short while either side of high water.
    Eastbourne and Brighton mariners are a far more attractive proposition.
    Ask the local business’s what they think of another year with the Strand closed and I bet they aren’t happy either.


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