Swap Shop brings them in


Last Saturday was Recycle Swap Shop again, and despite the rain over 100 people turned up at St Mary’s Centre to donate their surplus household items and take away whatever they liked. Over 200kg of items were brought, with over 75% of them being taken by visitors – the remainder goes to charity shops and recycling, with a small amount destined for incineration or landfill.
The Recycle Swap Shop is free to everyone, but as it needs to pay to rent the room for the morning, donations are much appreciated.
The next Swap Shop is on Sat July 14 at Tilling Green, 9:30am-12 noon, but anyone bringing items needs to come by 11am. Then there’s another Recycle Swap Shop running on Saturday September 22 also run by Transition Rye at Tilling Green Community Centre. Check the website for further news.

Photo: Mike Pepler

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