Transition Rye has organised another recycling swap shop in Tilling Green Community Centre in Mason Road to take place this Saturday, February 22, from 9:30am to 11:30am.
Items for recycling must be brought no later than 10:30am and should not include items too big to easily carry, anything dangerous or any mains electrical items.
However now is the chance to clear out the loft or other areas of anything not needed any more, but which someone else might enjoy or need. In return one could walk out with a useful find.
Every item that goes out is weighed to get an idea of how much has been saved and not consigned to burial in landfill. If items are left, many will be taken to second hand shops in Rye. To find out more go to the Transition Rye web site. At the last swapshop in November at St Mary’s Centre 104 people attended, 220 kg was taken away, 52kg was recycled, 16kg went to charity shops, and 21 kg went to general waste

This Saturday there will also be a mini eco house to illustrate how to save energy and money. Staff from Energise Sussex Coast (ESC) will be there to answer any questions about it and also to give information about financial resources to those who, perhaps, are thinking about solar energy for their home. ESC has different individual energy advice sessions in Hastings. It aims to address fuel poverty and climate change. For any further information go to
Image Credits: Kenneth Bird , Kate Meakin .