The community garden needs you


The volunteers at the Rye Community Garden have been finalising their 2023 food growing plan and are now on the lookout for a few spare seeds and plants which they hope to be able to include in the plan.

We therefore would like to ask for a little help from the Rye community to see if anyone might have any spare seeds and plants to donate to the community garden.

We are currently looking for:

Dill (to add to our cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage beds to help keep cabbage worms away)
Basil, coriander and parsley (we are keen to increase the herbs that are growing at the garden)
Seed potatoes (to plant in a new growing area to expand our food production capacity)

Strawberries plantlets (to help increase our soft fruit production)
Asparagus crowns (we are working on increasing the amount of perennial vegetables we grow)

If you would like to donate anything please simply come and visit the community garden on any Saturday from 10am to 12 noon during our regular gardening sessions. The community garden is located at the end of Love Lane, TN31 7NE.

And anyone is more than welcome to also join our Saturday morning gardening session!

If you have any questions please contact us on

We are looking forward to being able to share the fruits of our work with the community in the upcoming growing year!

Thank you!

Image Credits: Rye Community Garden .

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