The new mayor of Winchelsea


Mayor making day at Winchelsea on bank holiday Easter Monday was different from last year’s ceremony because this year there was a new mayor and last year David Merrifield was being sworn in for his second year. Peter Cosstick brought a few new touches to the event which were well received. When he announced that his wife was to be his lady mayoress he walked over to her and presented her with her chain of office and a kiss. The deputy mayor Stephen King followed suit amid much applause.

Mayor making April 1 2024

The church was packed with invited dignitaries and the townsfolk of Winchelsea.
Peter welcomed everyone: “For some of you, this may be the first time you have attended a mayoring ceremony in Winchelsea, which goes back over seven hundred years. Whilst you were waiting for us to arrive, we were in the Winchelsea Court Hall where it is customary for the appointed mayor to take the oath of office, which I have done. Some time ago we decided to make the mayoring ceremony accessible to as many people as possible and this is the third year it has been held in this wonderful setting.

“Even more appropriately, in this very church we have the Alard tombs dating back to the 14th century. The Alards were Winchelsea’s most significant family and the most famous tomb is that of Sir Gervase Alard Junior, first recorded mayor of Winchelsea, a crusader, and appointed admiral of the Cinque Ports Fleet by our founder Edward 1.”

Reverend Jonathan Meyer was invited to say a prayer, then Peter Cosstick gave his address: “I am deeply honoured and humbled to be appointed mayor of Winchelsea. Having retired from the ‘corporate life’ my wife Debbie and I moved first to Rye over twenty years ago, and then thirteen years ago to Winchelsea. We both feel very privileged to live in the town and to be part of its wonderful community.

“It’s very easy in life to take things for granted – ‘as if by magic things just appear or happen’. I am so proud and thankful to those (past and present) who effortlessly give up their time as volunteers to make Winchelsea the place it is, protect its beauty, heritage, tradition, and maintain a close community: ‘a hidden gem’.”

Mayor Making Day Winchelsea

Peter continued by outlining his aims and ambitions for his forthcoming year as mayor.
“As mayoress, Debbie’s nominated charity will be Demelza which has been very close to our hearts for many years.

“Winchelsea corporation achieved charity status in 2020. My wonderful team will become trustees of the charity during my term. We have some challenging times ahead to ensure our ancient monuments are maintained, together with other projects. I know I can rely on the town for its support, together with our Friends of the Ancient Monuments, to achieve this. We will also maintain our close links with the Confederation of the Cinque Ports with a strong local focus on education and promotion of the Cinque Ports.

“As children are our future we will continue building our links with St Thomas’ school and help the children understand more about Winchelsea and its rich heritage. As well as the school, for those Winchelsea residents who would like to learn more about our heritage and the corporation, there are plans in the pipeline to achieve this. We will continue to support the town and businesses by promotion using our website and free visitors guide. I promise to work very hard and do my best…”

Peter added: “We wish to extend our deep gratitude to all of those attending, and those who worked so hard to make the event possible.”

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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