Toy service at St Mary’s


On Sunday December 3, St Mary’s held a special Family Toy Service at 10:30am which was such a joyous occasion.

The church encouraged the congregation to bring along their teddies but a few other cuddly animals were brought as well, and not just by the children.

People were asked to bring new unwrapped toys as well, to be donated to Family Support Work which will distribute them to families in the local area. It is a wonderful way of making a child’s Christmas special because many families are struggling just to make ends meet at the moment and Christmas can be an added burden instead of a joyous occasion.

The congregation were very generous with the gifts that they brought.

Recently in Rye News, we learnt about the wonderful work that Family Support does in the local area.

If you weren’t able to make the service but would like to donate please contact and help to bring some joy to families who find Christmas difficult this year.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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