Ukrainians at Tibbs Farm


Gardens and the ability to grow produce are both important to Ukrainians. Some now living with hosts in Rye District are involved with the Rye Community Garden. Already they have a crop of gherkin cucumbers ready for preserving.


On Wednesday 26 July the Rye Hub (Homes for Ukraine) arranged for a group to travel to Tibbs Farm for a Pick Your Own experience. Although the season for some fruits is coming to an end, there were raspberries, strawberries and black/red currants. Tibbs Farm says that Pick Your Own is all about the experience of getting out and picking real food from a real farm. It quickly became clear that the Ukrainians did not not need any explanation of the option to ‘try before you buy’. There is nothing quite like eating food straight from the plant. The party was impressed by the home grown British produce in a safe, fun and beautiful setting.


Tibbs farm also have animals to pet which proved popular. The weather was particularly kind and the party all enjoyed the experience.

Thanks go to Pat Hughes of Rye Community Transport for providing the transport, Robert Wheeler (Tibbs Farm) and Danielle at the PYO site.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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  1. Fabulous! Looks like a wonderful outing. I’m thrilled to have the Ukrainians involved at the Rye Community Garden.


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