Winchelsea Wednesdays


At the Winchelsea Second Wednesday Society, we kicked the door open, blew the post-Christmas cobwebs away and raised the curtain on the 2023 programme, with a truly memorable afternoon. We were treated to an exclusive one man show from our Winchelsea neighbour, Mike Stoneham.

I’ve long believed that pigeon-holing and stereotyping people is not only lazy, but stunting. What you gain from getting to know new people, always outweighs the trouble it takes asking that initial question, in order to briefly step into their lives. Everyone has a story: quiet, meaningful, extraordinary, random, but all valuable. Some people are reticent to share and need their stories coaxed out of them and some are bold and bright and generous of spirit. And so it proved to be with Mike.

Mike’s first love was acting. He enjoyed early success in the shape of regular work, backstage, as well as on the boards. He recalled very early on, working with a small, unremarkable man, save for a mouthful of huge teeth. But this man lived for an audience and come curtain-up, was transformed into a colossus of British comedy, Ken Dodd. The stage was his natural home and he was famous for being reluctant to leave it.

And then life, with all its complexities, moved Mike in another direction. Many years later, through friends, mentors and the turn of the wheel, an opportunity presented itself in the shape of Falstaff. This time, using all of his experiences, he studied, adapted, crafted and moulded himself into a familiar but new version of the anti-hero. Helped, encouraged and prepared by his friend Karl Howman, he was finally ready for his own one man show. And there it was: he was back where he was meant to be, in front of a live audience. 2022 was the year of Mike Stoneham, actor.

How lucky are we, that he shared past, present and future with us that Wednesday. As Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” We left full of joy, inspired and invigorated, with admiration for our neighbour and hope for his and our new year.

When you next glance at the Second Wednesday Programme, you’ll see “Cheese-on-Sea, Best of British Cheeses”. More neighbours with remarkable life stories: Ruth and James Smart will introduce us to “Cheese-on-Sea”, “Cheese Baby” and “Sir Stilton”. All of this will make sense on Wednesday, February 8, when you’ll discover the twists and turns in one couple’s lives, the passions, motivations and inspirations that led them to where they are today and what their plans are for the future.

Mike showed us how knowledge and experience can give you a second bite at the cherry and Ruth and James will remind us of the unstoppable spirit of youth. See you all on the 8th – cheese and cake – what’s not to love?

Image Credits: Natasha Robinson .

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