Once again, Winchelsea is putting on the wonderful “Advent Windows”, where residents lay on an attractive display for passers by.
By December 24, all 24 Advent Windows will be illuminated from 4:30pm to 9pm. Most windows will remain lit until December 31. This really is a story of a small town working together to put on a lovely event and raising funds for charity. This year’s chosen charity is the Salvation Army.
If you’ve over-indulged with food and drink, are fed up with Monopoly or just want to get out in the fresh air and take a lovely evening stroll around the town please come to Winchelsea. We’re waiting to welcome you.
Maps which only cost £1 can be purchased from Winchelsea Farm Kitchen, the Black Cat Gallery and in the evening from The New Inn Winchelsea. So, get yourself a map, follow the trail and find the beautiful windows.
Photo: Deborah Beverley