Your market is still open


It seems that the predictions of the weekly market disappearing may prove to be fake news because this morning, Thursday March 19, and despite everything that’s going on in the world at the moment, our market traders were back! (well more than there have been recently)

Quite a selection of everyday items available at today’s market.

We now know the big white marquee is history, but many of the usual stall holders were there and, as well as the big four ie fruit and veg, the fresh flower man, the meat man, and the bin bags to bleach man, many other stall holders had made the effort to be there.

Coaches were there today and more stalls than you might have expected.

The irony is that despite the better weather which we have all been praying for, the customers were sadly lacking, understandably as most were heading advice and either self isolating or perhaps even in lockdown.

Some fresh flowers in the home might brighten your day?We all still have to eat and we need provisions despite all the uncertainty and hardship. It’s good to know that if you are able to get out and buy basic provisions for yourself or for others, with a bit of luck the traders will return again next Thursday and, if a trip to the supermarket isn’t possible for whatever reason, you may be able to re-stock your supply cupboards by supporting the traders who have made the journey to be there for you.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Hi Nick, I am a Rye market trader and have been there for many years with our 5 star catering trailer near the butcher, we have greatly missed not being able to work the market but now it is great to be back working at Rye albeit socially distancing and seeing our old customers welcoming us all back to their town market, we have many customers who are friends who live in rye and the surrounding areas who rely on the market not only for cheaper products but also as a form of socialising, a cup of tea and bacon roll and a chat with old friends (at a distance) thank you to the local people of rye
    Gary and Janet


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