Gentle yoga at Playden


Having read the sad report in Rye News recently about the problems that the Playden WI Hall were facing, I wondered whether anything could be done to help, having rented the hall twice a week for many years until recently for yoga classes, and now just once a week.

The WI agreed to a four week trial run of a gentle yoga session on Thursdays 20, 27 March and 3 and 10 April from from 10:30am-11:15am, for which they would charge me no rental, I would take no payment, and instead all fees paid (£3 per person, per class) would go direct towards the hall refurbishment.

These classes will be mixed ability, men and women welcome, mainly standing (with a chair to use when needed) with no ‘on-the-floor’ work and will involve gentle bending, stretching, balancing, twisting, breathing techniques, and some classical yoga practices.

Everyone will be encouraged to work within their own comfortable limits without competition, force or strain, in a friendly and happy environment. Afterwards, the wonderful ladies from the WI will reward any survivors with a hot drink and piece of cake and all for £3 per session!  If these four weeks prove popular, these classes could continue.  I have 50 years’ yoga experience, am qualified and insured. Details from

This class is in addition to the regular, long established Wednesday morning classes from 10am – 11:30am, which is more floor based and with slightly more challenging hatha yoga techniques, £10 drop-in.

Let’s all support this well loved hall! Why not come along and try this new venture and enjoy a lovely stretch, hot drink and cake in good company.

Image Credits: Margot Dixon .

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