Just dance


Owen Thompson is passionate about dance. “It makes people happy. It’s about having a good time,” he says, as he launches new adult dance classes in Rye. Newo Dance meets for an hour every Tuesday at 6pm and Thursday at 7pm at the community centre on Conduit Hill.

He believes anyone can dance, especially people who don’t think they can. “If anyone tells me ‘I can’t dance’ that’s just what I want. It’s what I’m here for and anyway it’s not about being able to dance, it’s about having fun. There’s no pressure and no need to feel uncomfortable, plus it’ll help you get fitter and boost your confidence.”

With a background in musical theatre and dance, Owen has travelled the world but he started dancing at an early age. “I’ve always loved dance and I badgered my mum and dad to let me have a go after seeing my sister dancing and it kind of snowballed.” A three year course at Italia Conti led to a twenty-five-year career on the West End stage and on cruise ships, as well as six years teaching.

Owen Thompson

The move to Rye with partner Simon is a big change. “When you’re younger you love living out of a suitcase, but I need some routine to make up for all the things I’ve missed, like friends’ weddings.”

Rye is now home he says, after initially using the town as a holiday base. “I love this place. There’s a real energy about it. We used to drive down from Essex at the weekend and I’d see Rye in the distance and I’d instantly relax. Covid made me change my priorities a bit, but living here and starting the dance classes feels right.”

As well as the twice-weekly courses, Owen has other plans to get the town dancing. “It could be as simple as helping people living with dementia to move more, but it could also be something much bigger – getting everyone in Rye to join in.”

So what’s in the name? Why Newo? “It’s Owen backwards. Simple as that…”

For more details about Owen’s classes search for Newo Dance on social media or email newodance@gmail.com.

Image Credits: Owen Thompson .

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