Lovely and well-loved


We are sad to report that Shirley Goring, the mother of Rye town crier, Paul Goring, died on Monday morning, August 12 , following a short illness. Many of you will have seen Shirley with Paul at various events around Rye as she was a great supporter of his work and loved Rye. Her ready smile and her interest in people’s lives and their news made her well-loved by everyone she came across.

Paul and Shirley Goring

As a result of her loss, and, prior to that, her illness, Paul has had to pull out of a few events which he had planned to be involved with, but he should be back in action again soon.

Paul says: “My mum was a lovely and well-loved lady, with a ready smile, and hugely supportive of her family. My sister, Caroline, and I will miss her dearly.”

Paul, Caroline and Shirley Goring

Shirley’s funeral will be held on Thursday, August 29 at 3:15pm, at Hastings Crematorium.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , The Goring family archives .

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  1. Condolences to Paul and prayers for Shirley. It was always a joy to see them together in and around Rye. Paul being so obviously a loving son – Shirley was blessed in this regard.

  2. I just want to thank everyone who attended Mum’s funeral, or sent condolences or donated to Macmillan Cancer Support in her memory.
    Mum would have been humbled and delighted to see how well Rye was represented at her funeral – even though she wasn’t a Ryer, and her connection to Rye was simply through her support for me as Town Crier, she had evidently become a well known and well-loved face around town.
    We had members of the Town Hall staff, Town Councillors, the Mayor and Mayoress, and even just local people who knew her, turn up at the funeral to pay their respects.
    Many, many thanks to all of you – and I’m delighted to announce that the contributions to Macmillan in here memory have already reached over £750 !


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