Smooth, rich and fruity


Wednesday, March 5 saw the annual home brew sloe gin and spirit competition at the Waterworks, judged by five judges who smelled, looked at and tasted the seven spirit entries. First in the spirit category was a damson liqueur brewed by Larry Wilson with a score of 41 out of a possible 50. The judges commented that it was fruity and smooth with a rich deep flavour and a nice smell.

Sloe Gin Competition 2025 the Waterworks, organiser Dennis Leeds-George with a winner

Second was a raspberry gin made by Redmond Kingsland which scored 34. The judges said that it was strong, clear and had a good raspberry taste.

Third was Nick Macrae with a plum vodka grappa which was pale and interesting but lacked flavour. Other entries included walnut, white grape and plum brews.

There were nine sloe gins and the winning entry was Redmond Kingsland with a score of 42 out of 50 and was judged dark, rich, smooth and strong. Closely followed in second place was David and Jayne Day’s entry that the judges thought was strong, fruity with a good orange colour and was given a score of 40. Coming all the way from Deal in Kent, Peter Lavelle was placed third with a sloe gin that had a slight tang, was pink with a good smell.

The locals were invited to taste the entries at the end of enjoyable fun evening.

Image Credits: Juliet Duff .

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