Supporting each other

People who sought refuge in Rye from the war in Ukraine have supported a Udimore gardener who has raised money for land mine clearance in the country. Proceeds from Matty Holmes open garden event have been given to the Halo Trust, which is currently clearing mines in Eastern Ukraine.

On Sunday June 2, in bright sunshine, Matty Holmes opened her beautiful garden at Beauchamps, on Float Lane in Udimore, to visitors. Matty is an experienced gardener and has long been involved with the National (Open) Garden Scheme.

Ukrainian national dress at Udimore Open Garden event

The attractive informal garden at Beauchamps is on the side of the stunning Brede Valley, three miles to the west of Rye. It has a wide range of unusual herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees, planted in beds, which follow the contours of the valley side. It provides a marvellous setting for tea! Matty had arranged for delicious cakes and teas to be served and plants to be sold.

When the garden’s connection to the work of became known, many Ukrainians, who have sought refuge in East Sussex, came to the garden from Eastbourne, Bexhill, and locally from the Rye Hub for Homes for Ukraine. Anthony Kimber, who leads the Rye Hub arranged for Rye Community Transport to carry a party from the 10 families in the Rye area.

Ukrainian support for Matty Holmes open garden

During the afternoon, visitors were treated to a moving performance of national folk songs and the Ukrainian Anthem by the Bexhill Ukrainian (Ladies) Choir. The ladies wore colourful red, green and white national dress. All those with Ukrainian connection enjoyed the music and momentarily were transported to their homeland!

At the end of the event, Susan Gedge of Rother Voluntary Action thanked Matty for hosting and the visitors for attending. She emphasised that all monies collected would go to the Halo Trust.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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