The sky’s not the limit


Last November Rye News covered the lengthy planning history at Lydd airport (Is Lydd airport about to take off?) which began in 2006 for the extension of the runway and the expansion of the airport in general. The owners of the airport are also owners of Lydd Golf Club and there are significant changes materialising at each venue including the recent addition of Aerobility.

Aerobility has recently partnered with Lydd Aero Club and needs to develop its ground support at its newly established base at Lydd Airport. Aerobility is a leading disability charity, which demonstrates that the challenges of flight and exposure to aviation acts as a tool for improving the lives of those with a disability. Whatever the age or whatever the disability, be it physical, learning or mental, or an injury acquired in conflict – Aerobility gives everyone the chance to fly and participate in aviation-orientated activities by operating adapted aircraft, supporting equipment and specialist instruction to ensure access for all.

Access for all

The charity believes that everyone should have the right and opportunity to participate in aviation and it works hard to remove the barriers that make aviation physically and financially inaccessible for people with disabilities and works with over 600 people with disabilities every year.

“We want people living with a disability to ask themselves the question: if I can fly an aeroplane, what else can I do?” asks Mike Miller-Smith, CEO of Aerobility.

Aerobility is a UK charity that flies adapted light aircraft to enable people with all kinds of disabilities to experience the magic and wonder of flight, whether this involves enjoying a flight experience, taking the controls of an aircraft or learning to fly. It’s not the sky that’s the limit for this charity, it’s the imagination and courage of its participants.

Lydd airport chairman and chief flight instructor

Al Rosser, Chief Flying instructor at Aerobility commented: “We’re looking for people who can meet and greet our flyers and assist in helping people living with a disability into and out of aircraft. We’re also looking at the provision of our ground school courses for disabled youngsters to learn about the world of aviation. If you can help, we’d love to hear from you. It’s a great community!”


Can you help people realise their dreams?

If you have an interest in aviation or, you’d just like to lend a hand, this might be the place for you to take off in a new direction! Just visit our volunteering page:

Join the Aerobility Team today and play a crucial role in creating memorable and empowering experiences for our participants.

Image Credits: Aerobility .

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