Upping the benchmark


Signs of maintenance and improvements have been spotted around town in recent days.

Various benches, which have looked rather worse-for-wear, are gradually being spruced up. Col Everett observed this in action. “On one of our good sunny days last week, I met and talked to two men working for Rother District Council. We were in the churchyard and they were vigorously rubbing down all the well-used wooden benches around the church, prior to re-varnishng them. They told me they gave the same treatment to about 30 benches all around Rye every two or three years.”

Kate, Rye town steward preparing iron railings for painting

The Rye Town Council steward, Kate, has been cleaning, scraping down and painting the iron railings on Hilder’s Cliff now for several weeks and the black and gold paint really makes a difference.

Newly painted railings on Hilder’s Cliff

Also this week, Rother District Council workers were seen cutting the long grass on the Salts now giving more space for walkers and others to use.

Image Credits: Col Everett , Juliet Duff .

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