Post Office on the move


The post office currently outside Jempsons at Station Approach in Rye will be moving to its new location inside the store on Saturday November 25 at 1pm. There will be a two-day hiatus when the old post office closes, at 5:30pm on Wednesday November 22. In the interim, customers are directed to alternative facilities at Iden, Winchelsea Beach and Ore.

Because of the supermarket’s longer opening hours, the post office will be extending its operation by 42 hours a week. It will be open Monday to Saturday from 6am to 10pm and will have three serving positions – two open-plan counters and one screened area.

There is no free parking facility for the new post office. Customers can use the existing pay-and-display car park with dedicated disabled bays for a fee of £1 for first hour, which is refundable when spending £5 or more on retail goods in the store.


Photo : Rye News Library

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  1. No, you are wrong.
    The Post Office reply to consultation questions & comments very clearly says “refundable when spending £5 or more on retail goods in the store”. It does not refer to Post Office purchases.
    It also does NOT clearly say that the COMPLETE range of ALL Post Office services will be available for ALL the new opening hours outside the 9am-4pm period when parking charges apply.
    Neither is there any reference to disabled parking in the Post Office’s letter. But at present there appear to be two spaces next to the entrance for disabled use.
    The questions raised by the Town Council have therefore not been satisfactorily answered in my opinion, and we may have to “suck it and see” when, and if, the new Post Office opens on schedule.


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